I’m not real happy about the fact that it’s been tougher to update the site lately, as I’ve been running into some issues. But hopefully you’ll forgive me with this quality post and the post I’ve got lined up for tomorrow. Now, I must say that I’m very happy about the fact that CFNM TVis regularly updating with videos of CFNM stories I’ve wanted to see for YEARS. Not exaggerating, not even a little. So I’ve put together some clips and pics they’ve leaked of two stories. “Breakdown” tells the tale of a guy who’s car breakdown leads to him being blackmailed to expose himself, gets jerked off, and is amongst other things, forced to appear in public in nothing but bunny ears. Then in “Out Of Order”, Simon is stripped naked in a nightclub men’s room and is caught in a comprimising position by four hot club girls who jerk him off after having their fun with him. So be sure to let me know what you think of these CFNM TV stories. As an added bonus, I’ve put together three galleries of various CFNM genres. First are 200+ amateur CFNM blowjob pics, then a bunch of randomly selected varied-setting traditional amateur CFNM pics, then a gallery of pics where clothed women are watching their female friends engage in oral and full on sex. LINKS FIXED so enjoy!
CFNM streaming video sample link: CFNM TV Sample Movie Trailer
Extended pic gallery of this movie: # 1 | # 2 | # 3 | # 4 | # 5 | # 6 | # 7 | # 8 | # 9 | # 10 | # 11 | # 12 | # 13 | # 14 | # 15
CFNM streaming video links: CFNM TV Sample Movie Trailer One | CFNM TV Sample Movie Trailer Two
CFNM Picture Galleries Direct Links: Gallery 1 | Gallery 2 | Gallery 3
CFNM Picture Galleries Download Links via Zippyshare: Gallery 1 | Gallery 2 | Gallery 3
CFNM Picture Galleries Download Links via DepositFiles: Gallery 1 | Gallery 2 | Gallery 3
Featured CFNM from CFNM TV – [CLICK HERE] for full length movies!!
CFNM Partners: CFNM Gallery | CFNM 100 | Hot CFNM | UFLASH